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I Just Bought a Condominium . . . Now What?
A condominium is a type of legal ownership where the property is divided between privately owned units and common elements. Each unit owner owns the unit as well as a proportion of common elements, which includes such things as hallways, lobbies and elevators and there are also “exclusive use common property elements,” such as balconies,
Challenges to Testamentary Documents
Quite often we hear about someone’s Will being challenged. The most common grounds being: proper execution; knowledge and approval of the contents of the Will; fraud; lack of testamentary capacity; and undue influence and suspicious circumstances. A person who wishes to challenge a Will as being invalid must file a Notice of Objection with the
Resolving Challenges to Testamentary Documents and other estate disputes
Sometimes estate disputes are inevitable given the family dynamics for the challenge to be made. A variety of mechanisms exist to resolve disputes arising over testamentary documents, such as informal settlement, mediation, and court. Informal Settlement At any time, the matter can be resolved informally. Legal counsel may discuss the case and advise the parties
Duties and Powers of an Attorney for Property
The role, powers and obligations of an attorney for property are set out by statute (Substitute Decisions Act, 1992) as interpreted by the courts (called common law). Purpose If a person is unable to look after or may need help with his or her own affairs such as banking, paying bills, buying necessary items, or
Taking Advantage of the TFSA
The Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) encourages Canadians to save money to meet financial goals and lifetime saving needs. No tax deduction is available for the contributions made, but all money withdrawn is tax-free and all investment income (e.g., interest, dividends, capital gains) can be generated without attracting tax or affecting the eligibility for federal
Implications of appointing a non-resident Estate Trustee
Appointing an estate trustee who does not reside in Canada has several negative implications. A non-resident estate trustee is required to post a bond (which is costly and adds delay), and he or she may not be eligible to make certain financial investments available to Canadian residents (e.g., stocks, bonds, Canada Savings Bonds). Even if